Welcome to Bigsteps!

We would like to thank you for purchasing Goodwin eCommerce HTML Template!
Before you get started, please be sure to always check out this documentation.

If You have any questions that are beyond the scope of this documentation, please feel free to submit ticket to http://big-skins.com/support

We're very happy to help you and you will get reply from us more faster than you expected.
Thank you, we hope you to enjoy using Goodwin eCommerce HTML5 Template!

Getting Started


Follow the steps below to get started with your site template:

  1. Open the html folder to find all themes files
  2. You will need to upload these files to your web server using FTP.
  3. Make sure you've uploaded all files/folders listed below:
    • html/css - stylesheets folder
    • html/images - images folder
    • html/js - javacripts folder
    • html/fonts - fonts folder
    • html/index.html - index file/homepage
    Other files can be used according to your preferences.
  4. Now you can start adding your content.

HTML Structure

Goodwin Template follows a simple HTML code structure for every page. Here is the sample:


Goodwin Template supports boxed & fullwidth page content blocks. If you add class .boxed or .fullwidth to the <body>, each content section that has class global_width becomes .boxed or .fullwidth.

You can make each separate content section (.holder) boxed, fullwidth or fullboxed by adding .boxed, .fullwidth or .fullboxed class instead of .global_width.

See the image below:

Color Schemes

The CSS files are used to change the template appearance like fonts-size, font-color, backgrounds, paddings, margins etc. You can edit the css files with any Code Editing Software.

You can find all .css files in the folder html/css.

For helping developers write more succinct CSS, and to keep files organized we use Scss preprocessor. It is basically a scripting language that extends CSS and then compiles it into regular CSS (style-light.css or style-dark.css).

You can find all .scss files in the folder html/scss.

In the file scss\_variables.scss you can change any settings for change your site color scheme. All variable names are as clear as possible and do not need a description. For example, for changing the buttons colors you need to change this variables:

$button_color: #fff !default;
$button_bg: $custom_color !default;
$button-hover_color: #fff !default;
$button_hover_bg: #000 !default;
$button_bg_grey: #bcbcbc !default;

You can use template in the light mode or in the dark mode.

For light mode add the file style style-light.css


For dark mode add the file style style-dark.css


Goodwin Template has 10 different layouts. Each layout has own color scheme and own ready to use style file. For example, if you like nutrition layout in light mode, then add the file style style-nutrition_1_dark.css


Changing Fonts

Goodwin Template uses three external fonts: Open Sans and Montserrat the Google Fonts Library by default.
You can find the link to the font files in the head tag of the HTML files.

If you want to change the Google Font, you will need to edit the above links with your own font. If you want to use self hosted font, remove these links completely.


Goodwin Template uses Bootstrap Grid.

For more details on the Bootstrap Grid, please visit its official website.




You can choose between 11 types of headers while creating your pages. The list of header type & their descriptions are provided below

Header Variant Description Image Demo Link
Variant 1 Topline + One row Example
Variant 2 One row + Navigation menu row Example
Variant 3 Topline + One row & Slide menu Example
Variant 4 Topline + One row Example
Variant 5 Topline + One row + Navigation menu row Example
Variant 6 One row + Navigation menu row Example
Variant 7 One row + Navigation menu row Example
Variant 8 One row & Slide menu Example
Variant 9 One row + Navigation menu row Example
Variant 10 One row + Bottom line Example
Variant 11 One row + Slider + Vertical links Example

Desktop Header Modifications

Use these classes with the headers elements to modify it.

Style class Description Example
hdr.hdr_sticky Sticky header on scroll.
hdr.hdr--transparent Transparent header
hdr.hdr--light Light color header (for dark background)
hdr.hdr--dark Dark color header (for light background)
hdr.hdr--dark-drop Dark background header dropdowns
Header cart icon style
Example 1
Example 2
Example 3
Example 4
.hdr-topline.hdr-topline--dark Dark background header topline
.hdr-topline.hdr-topline--color Color background header topline

Mobile Header

You can choose between 2 types of mobile headers while creating your pages. Mobile header variants & their descriptions are provided below

Mobile Header Variant Description Image Demo Link
Variant 1 Two rows Example
Variant 2 One row Example


We provides a very usefull way to customize your menu.

Each menu item can be displayed in three different variants: no dropdown link, simple dropdown and megamenu link.

Here is the basic megamenu structure:


Simple DropDown Link

Here is the Simple DropDown Link code example:


You can use unlimited levels of submenus.

MegaMenu DropDown Link

You can use the megaMenu in 2,3,4 & 5 Columns. Also you can add Left and(or) Right custom block to the megaMenu. MegaMenu grids and codes are provided below:

Description MegaMenu Blocks Code Example
Only categories columms
.column-5, .column-4, .column-3, .column-2, .column-1

5 column .column-5

2 column .column-2
Left Block + Categories Columns
Left Block
.width-20, .width-25, .width-33, .width-40
Categories Columns
.column-5, .column-4, .column-3, .column-2, .column-1
Right Block + Categories Columns
Right Block
.width-20, .width-25, .width-33, .width-40
Categories Columns
.column-5, .column-4, .column-3, .column-2, .column-1
Left Block + Right Block + Categories Columns + Bottom Row
Left Block
.width-20, .width-25, .width-33, .width-40
Right Block
.width-20, .width-25, .width-33, .width-40
Categories Columns
.column-5, .column-4, .column-3, .column-2, .column-1
Bottom Row

Mobile Menu

Mobile Menu is visible only when window is smaller than 992px. It's srtucture is provided below.


Product Types

You can choose between 6 types of product previews. Product preview code contains such items as: big image photo, small thumbnails for more photos view, product name block, price block, rating block, labels (new/sale), action button, quick view link, wishlist link, not available block.

The list of product types & their descriptions are provided below:

Product Types Description Image Code
Variant 1 Vertical card with hover effect

In this version there are 2 types of hover effect.
1 - Hidden button appears at the bottom
2 - Hidden button appears at the bottom and content slides up (.prd.prd-style2)
Example 1 (Recomended products section)
Example 2
Variant 2 Horizontal Card + Heading Example (Bestseller product)
Variant 3 Horizontal Card with Quick view Example (Bestseller section)
Variant 4 Simple Horizontal Card Example (Top Rated section)
Variant 5 Simple Vertical card Example (Top Rated section)


You can put a countdown in the product preview or in the product pages of your shop and use it to highlight certain offers or deals.

There are two ways to set the final countdown date. Please see them below:

Description Code
Set attribute data-promodate. In this case countdown date will end at set date.
Set attribute data-promoperiod. In this case countdown date will never end and calculates as current date add attribute value in seconds. For example, data-promoperiod="100000000" will set promo period as 1d 03h 46m 40s.

For product preview with countdown use class .prd.prd-has-countdown

For more details on the countdown plugin, please visit its dedicated website.

Quick View

Quick View adds the possibility to have a quick preview of the products.

For use QuickView add class to link a.js-qview-link and place modal window code at the end of the page:


Product Grid

You can display product previews as a grid. Using classes (.data-show-*), you can set the number of products in a row at different breakpoints.


For more details on the carousel plugin, please visit its dedicated website.

Product Carousel

You can display product previews as a carousel. For use carousel add class .prd-carousel.js-prd-carousel to product previews wrapper:


For more details on the carousel plugin, please visit its dedicated website.

Products Isotope Filter

You can display product previews as masonry grid with category filters. Add filters HTML code before products grid:


To make category selected on page load, add class to it .active. For example, this code will select all products from category "New" at start.


Add class .js-product-isotope to products grid and filtered class (or classes) to each product inside it:


Footer Types

You can choose between 10 types of footers while creating your site. The list of footer type & their descriptions are provided below

Footer Variant Description Image Code
Variant 1 Light Background
Shop features + Subscription + Columns + Bottom Row
Variant 2 Dark Background
Logo + Subscription + Columns + Bottom Row
Variant 3 Light Background
Logo + Columns + Subscription + Bottom Row
Variant 4 Light Background
Logo + Horizontal Menu + Bottom Row
Variant 5 Light Background
Variant 6 Light Background
Logo + Subscription + Columns + Bottom Row
Variant 7 Dark Background
Columns + Google Map
Variant 8 Light Background
Columns + Shop features + Bottom Row
Variant 9 Light Background
Subscription + Columns + Bottom Row
Variant 10 Dark Background
Subscription + Columns
(special for t-shirts layout)


Slider structure

Goodwin Template uses main slider (BN Slider) built with Slick Slider. For more details about Slick Slider plugin, please visit its dedicated website.

Here is the HTML code for the BN Slider:

Text 1
Text 2
Text 1
Text 2
Text 1
Text 2
Text 1
Text 2
Slider Block Description Additional Classes
.bnslider-slide Slide Item For video slide add class
.bnslider-video Video Wrapper For video slide with play button

For video slide with background add class

For video slide with background video and play button add data

For video slide with background video and without play button add data

.bnslider-image Slider Image (windows width >= 479px) -
.bnslider-image-mobile Mobile Slider Image (windows width < 479px) -
.bnslider-text-content Slider text caption For vertical caption alignment add classes

For horizontal caption alignment add classes

.bnslider-vert Slider text wrapper To limit text width to 50% add class
.bnslider-text Slider text item To change font size add classes

To change text horizontal alignment inside caption add classes
.btn-wrap Slider button wrapper To increase the upper indent add class

To change button horizontal alignment inside caption add classes
.bnslider-arrows Slider arrows Arrows shifted to right

Arrows shifted to left

Arrows in the boxed container (not fullwidth)

Arrows fullwidth
.bnslider-dots Slider dots Dots vertical

Vertical Dots to right

Vertical Dots to left

Dots in the boxed container (not fullwidth)

Dots fullwidth

Sliders animation

You can animate text and button in each slide via data parameters.

Your Text

Slide text/button data parameters are provided below:

Parameter Description Recomended Value
data-delay Delay after previous text animation in ms 0 ... 10000 data-delay="0"
data-fontsize Font size in relative value (vw)
1vw = 1% of viewport width
0 ... 30 data-fontsize="4"
data-fontline Line height in em (default is 1.2em)
1em equal to fontsize value,
2em equal to fontsize*2
0.8 ... 3 data-fontline="1.5"
data-fontfamily Font Family - data-fontfamily="Geneva"
data-fontcolor Font Color (default is white) - data-fontcolor="red"
data-fontweight Font weight normal (400)
bold (700)
OR numeric value:
100, 200, 300, 400, 500, 600, 700, 800, 900
data-animate Text appear animation bounce, flash, pulse, rubberBand, shake, headShake, swing, tada, wobble, jello, bounceIn, bounceInDown, bounceInLeft, bounceInRight, bounceInUp, bounceOut, bounceOutDown, bounceOutLeft, bounceOutRight, bounceOutUp, fadeIn, fadeInDown, fadeInDownBig, fadeInLeft, fadeInLeftBig, fadeInRight, fadeInRightBig, fadeInUp, fadeInUpBig, fadeOut, fadeOutDown, fadeOutDownBig, fadeOutLeft, fadeOutLeftBig, fadeOutRight, fadeOutRightBig, fadeOutUp, fadeOutUpBig, flipInX, flipInY, flipOutX, flipOutY, lightSpeedIn, lightSpeedOut, rotateIn, rotateInDownLeft, rotateInDownRight, rotateInUpLeft, rotateInUpRight, rotateOut, rotateOutDownLeft, rotateOutDownRight, rotateOutUpLeft, rotateOutUpRight, hinge, rollIn, rollOut, zoomIn, zoomInDown, zoomInLeft, zoomInRight, zoomInUp, zoomOut, zoomOutDown, zoomOutLeft, zoomOutRight, zoomOutUp, slideInDown, slideInLeft, slideInRight, slideInUp, slideOutDown, slideOutLeft, slideOutRight, slideOutUp data-animate="flipInY"
(all example here)
data-otherstyle Other inline styles - data-otherstyle="font-style: italic; padding:5px;"



You can see all typography elements in this example Example.


You can choose between 3 types of brands view while creating your pages. Their descriptions are provided below

Description Image Example
Brands carousel
Brands grid
Brands creative carousel

Icons Font

Goodwin Template uses simply and flexible icon library IcoMoon.

IcoMoon is striving to build and provide the best iconography and icon management tool for perfectionists.

If you want to add new icon to the library follow instruction, provided below:

1. Go to . Import font/icomoon-reg/selection.json. Select 'Yes' in modal window:

All Seiko icons will be imported!

2. Then select new icon(s)

3. Generate your custom font

4. Download new Icons Set, unzip archive and copy all files to 'font/icomoon-reg/' folder of your project

5. Find new icon in demo.html and use it in your html code

For example like this:



Goodwin Template uses jQuery plugins and CSS library provided below:.

Hope you will enjoy Goodwin Template!

Kind Regards,